
Tessel Arendsen (ENG) (2021)
Do you see yourself working at the University later and making sure every student finds the perfect location for an international exchange?
Thomas Siemerink (Aufschwung): “Tessel Arendsen studied both Linguistics and German Language and Culture at the University of Utrecht. She finished her Master Meertaligheid en Taalverwerving (German Track) in 2016. She already has an incredibly fascinating and versatile career. She went on exchange to the University of Vienna during her Bachelor. She has a lot of experience in the area of teaching and education and she has worked for the International Office of at the Utrecht University for several years (since 2016). She is quite the interesting international all-rounder! Tessel is also very familiar with the study associations in Utrecht, for she was both Treasurer of SV Babel and secretary for Volleyball association Van Slag. Besides volleybal, Tessel is a big fan of biking; she once made a biking tour across the capitals of all 12 Dutch provinces! Tessels career is a great example of the numerous job opportunities and possibilities with regards to the studies German Language and Culture and Linguistics.”