
Daan Rijpkema (ENG) (2021)
Would you like to start a company, that could help other organizations? Would you like to assist companies in spending less time on administrative tasks, so they can really focus on their objectives?
Marije Bekema (U.S.C.K.I. Incognito): “Daan Rijpkema started his own company Codex in 2013. Codex makes software for (student) organizations, with the goal of automating different tasks. Thanks to his, these companies can focus on the important things, instead of administrative tasks.
In 2015 he finished his Bachelor Computer Science and in 2017 he started his Master Artificial Intelligence. Next to running his own company, he has been active at Incubator StudentsInc, Studententrepreneurship association Utrecht Inc Students and Enactus Utrecht, a platform for sustainable entrepreneurship. Finally, he sometimes works as a freelance programmer and data-engineer and before the COVID-19 pandemic, he was a DJ by night.”