CarrièreNacht Geesteswetenschappen


Bjorn Lichtenberg (ENG) (2023)

Management and Project assistant at Utrecht University

Bjorn makes impact with grants for high school teachers.

Nova Dijkstra (SV Babel): “Bjorn Lichtenberg is the former chair of SV Babel. He has added a lot to student life here in Utrecht, not only as the chair of an association, but also as a student assistant in for example keeping the information on his programme’s Blackboard page up to date, where other students could find information about internships, minors, masters, exchanges, the study association and the final thesis. He has also been the editor in chief of LingUU Journal here at the university of Utrecht.

After he graduated from the bachelors Linguistics here in Utrecht in 2019, he did a masters in General linguistics and in Literature, culture and society (with a specialization into Scandinavian literature) at the university of Amsterdam. After university life, Bjorn worked as a desk editor and as a technician at TAT Zetwerk, where he oversaw the production process of books and all that entails, and converted the Word files of works submitted by authors into proper books in PDF format, through coding it into a TeX-file.

From February 2023 Bjorn started a new position at Utrecht University as a management and project assistant. Besides his work at the secretarial office of the department of Languages, Literature and Communication, he works as a project assistant at the programme Vakdidactiek Geesteswetenschappen, which gives out subsidies to middle school teachers to conduct a PhD research in combination with their teaching efforts. In the context of this programme many different educational and intervision meetings for the PhD candidates are organized.
Bjorn can tell a lot about working in these fields after your study. Make sure to ask him all your questions at the Humanities Career Night!”