Workshops & Recruiters
(ENG) Workshop: Intercultural Competences (2021)
Effective and appropriate communication is key in every organisation, or for that matter: in every context. However communication with peers, teachers, colleagues and other contacts with different cultural and linguistic backgrounds, can sometimes turn out differently than you would have expected and might result into misunderstandings. Intercultural competences help you dealing with those situations.
But what are these intercultural competences? And how can you develop them or explore if you have already developed them?
During this practical and interactive session you:
- will get an introductory taste of intercultural competences: what they are and why they are useful to you;
- are guided in reflecting upon your own intercultural competences and how to (further) develop them;
Are you curious how intercultural competences help you communicate appropriately, effectively and with confidence with a diverse group of people? And would you like to learn more about how you could develop them and put them to use in your (future) job? Join this mini workshop and we will make a start with this!

About the Trainer
Karen Schoutsen is trainer, co-developer and coordinator of the ‘Intercultural Awareness’ training courses for support and administrative staff of Utrecht University. She did her Bachelor’s in Romance Languages & Cultures (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen) and is alumna of the UU Master’s programme in Intercultural Communication. Currently she is working as an internship coordinator for the department of Languages, Literature and Communication and als a trainer and coördinator for the Expertise Network Intercultural Communication.