
(ENG) Eva Schreerder (2020)
Chiel Keidel of Studyassociation Aladdin: “Eva Schreerder has a lot of experience within the field of organisation, social entrepreneurship and working within organisations with a social importante. After she graduated her double bachelors in 2015 of Religious Studies and North American Studies at the UU, she continued her studies by completering a master about North America, which she did in Amsterdam. Eva is and was also involved in a wide range of volunteer work, ranging from organizing events for UNICEF and helping set up a youth center in Romania, to being a volunteer at the Canal Pride in Utrecht. On a professional level she started as a personal assistant of a museum director in Texas (USA) for a few months, where she worked on historical research, presentations and fundraising. Eva then worked at Roamler (data processing), an Escape Room, the Broekriem (organizing workshops, meetups, etc. for job seekers) and Starters4Communities (learning about social entrepreneurship, crowdfunding and strengthening social startups). She currently works within the organization, administration and support of clients at ‘s Heeren Loo, a care organization that supports people of all ages with disabilities.
Are you excited right now? Then don’t miss the opportunity to talk to Eva! “