
David van den Bosch (ENG) (2022)
Writer, storyteller and vendor at Boekhandel Roodbeen
Are you interested in telling stories, writing poetry and writing books?
Manouk Jacobs (SV Asterix): “David van den Bosch studied Celtic Languages and Culture at Utrecht University. He graduated in 2008 by writing a play about an 11th century Irish narrative, called The Sick-Bed of Cú Chulainn. Before that he studied drama therapy at the Hogeschool Utrecht. After finishing his BA in Celtic he started working as an actor and director for a number of theatre troupes. David has also worked in a number of bookstores and since December of 2020 he works at bookstore Roodbeen in Nijkerk.
Those who study Celtic may already know David as he is part of Dá Fhili, a storyteller duo. Furthermore, David does not just tell stories, he writes them too. He worked as one of Amersfoort’s city poets and he wrote a number of books in Dutch. His latest book came out in September and it is part of the Connla Quinn mysterie series, which now consists of four parts!
Come to the Carreer Night to learn more about David!”